Bored? Take an iCarly Quiz!

Everyone has fun taking quizzes, at least if you are not in school taking a surprise quiz, so the next time you are bored and looking for something fun to do, check out some of the iCarly quizzes available online.

If you go to your favorite search engine and do a search for iCarly quizzes, you will likely find a bunch of them. You can take a quiz where you have to answer questions to figure out which iCarly character you are most like.

Another fun way to spend some time with iCarly quizzes is to take some that ask you questions about the show. This is similar to an iCarly “Trivial Pursuit” and you should be able to find a wide variety of different ones to choose from. You can also find some quizzes about the original comic book, which still exists. Test your iCarly knowledge or compete with some of your friends and see who knows more about Carly and her friends.

26 Responses to “Bored? Take an iCarly Quiz!”

  1. Amber Sue Johnson on March 27th, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    I think iCarly is the best TV show in the whole wide world.Miranda and Jenette are the funniest people known to man kind.Nathan is the greatest tech person ever.I have almost every thing of iCarly ever made by man kind.If I

  2. do you like justin bieber yes or no

  3. do you like justin bieber a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    yes or no txt me back at 30905020301064452184231

  4. i like sam better than you carly but i like you music better than sams

  5. what up can you talk with me bailey im a big fan of your website

  6. hi my name is Ruby and i have been whatching icarly for 4 years and im 9 years old now i grow up in pum beach wich is in sidney

  7. you rock

  8. sam and caliry are you reey bff

  9. i love you i caliry

  10. fetty i love you you are vevy cat baby are boo i love do you yes are no baby or boo

  11. calril do you r love f

  12. why does sam like to eat so much food meats? Carly why do you not love Freddie? you should make a new icarly movie called igetmarried were carly and freddie get married.


  14. it true you should.

  15. can i have a girl friend like all of carly and all of sam

  16. i love your song to devonte

  17. hi i live here in seatile can i come see you

  18. justin bieber i love you

  19. hey its maci from ohio just wanted to tell you guys i love icarly i watch it every time its on the best show you guys roc and am maci from Ohio and i am 10 years old

  20. dear carly
    when your bouther siad plesea go on and then when he was presing on all the butten and siad pee on carl i almost peed my self

    love you uini

  21. icarly is the best show ever

  22. i love you

  23. hey its me denise how are you im good

  24. ilovecalyandsam

  25. dear carly
    i love you and sam on icarly i love it
    i'm a big fan i like fridde

  26. sophie phillips on March 20th, 2012 at 4:32 am

    hi i'm sophie i watch your show alot i am a big fan. I watch your show more than anthing i like how specener got stuck and you and sam found the chicks. this is something about me i am 8 years old i love your show.

    from sophie phillips

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